Brexit Update- Permanent Residence or Settled Status for EU nationals in UK

What does Brexit mean for EU nationals?

The UK government has yet to reach a final agreement with the European Union on citizen’s rights, but according to the information on the government’s website and the recently published White Paper on Brexit, containing the Government’s proposal on how they intend to deal with the EU moving forward,  we know that EU citizen’s status will not change until the 1st of January 2021. Therefore, EU citizens will still have the same rights to live and work in the UK, as well as the same access to public funds and services as they do at the moment.

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Brexit: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Further to my previous Article about Brexit and the Possible Effect on UK immigration and European Migrants, I have complied a list of questions that I have been frequently asked and hope to answer them here for the sake of those who might be wondering the same

i.Are we part of the EU?

The UK is still part of the EU, and no formal legal process of leaving the EU will start until the UK decides to invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, which can only be done by either David Cameron or his successor. This means that the UK is still bound by EU Treaties and Laws, and will continue to be so up to two years from the formal notice to the EU. Continue Reading →

Brexit: What happens to EU Nationals after the EU Referendum?

I know a lot of people are worried about the EU referendum result and I am overwhelmed with calls from people asking what happens now that we have left the EU – please stay calm!

UK Still Part Of European Union

We are still in the EU and all the laws remain the same for now; the earliest that we will be out of the EU is two years from the time that the government gives formal notice to the EU of our intention to divorce.

I will be writing an article shortly on the options available for EU nationals, but please note that most of the legal implications remain unknown and subject to the UK negotiations with the EU. It is highly unlikely that EU nationals or their families will be ‘kicked-out’ as a result of the referendum result. Continue Reading →

EU Referendum – Possible UK Immigration Impact

The upcoming referendum may be causing concern for some, especially if the outcome leaves them unsure of their visa status.

I have received a fair number of emails recently regarding the changes in UK Immigration Law that might take place and I thought it would be useful to address them with an article.

What happens after the referendum?

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